Manufacturing Execution

Manage orders, scheduling, production, inventory, shipping and invoicing with one easy-to-use and powerful solution. See how much MillTools® will make and save you.

We deliver

Manage and report production with less effort, errors and paperwork.

Take a quick inventory of everything that happens from the time you receive a customer PO until you send them an invoice. What goes wrong in your process?

MillTools solves your problems and helps you operate more profitably.

Identify and solve production quality problems FAST.

Capture data from sources such as continuous process variables, scanner quality profiles, discrete lab test data and events which occur at different times during production. ProcessAnalyzer retreives data from QCS, MES, DCS and other databases, then plots the data graphically on a contiguous timeline in 2D and 3D, so you can quickly identify cause and effect of production quality issues.

Upgrade your QCS without ignoring the rest of the mill’s needs.

It was time to upgrade your quality control system ten years ago, but QCS isn’t the mill’s only need. A new refiner or a roof that won’t leak over the paper machine are still on the list.

PantherQCS offers paper mills excellent paper quality measurement, low cost of ownership and long life without breaking the bank.

Our Professional Services engineers and technicians handle installations, maintenance and repairs

Our most indispensable solution. Panther Professional Services technicians are insurance, that your systems turn in a profit-making performance month after month.

They are in our customers’ mills every day, performing maintenance and making repairs. Most importantly, they find and prevent problems BEFORE they happen. Our technicians become an extension of your own team — people who always come through for you and care about the same things as you and your team.

Panther’s solutions work hard where you need them


Tools for EVERYONE from schedulers, machine tenders and backtenders to finishers, fork truck operators and shipping personnel


Use off-the-shelf Windows machines and devices


Personalized dashboards and email notifications for managers


Easy-to-use interfaces designed for every user’s tasks


Monitor quality and production remotely, securely and just about EVERYWHERE

Creating a manufacturing execution system (MES) to fit for your paper mill’s process to a T sounds complicated and expensive, and Panther Systems would agree. Instead, MillTools gives mills configurable MES solutions that make easy work for a complex problem. Your paper mill’s configuration, user rights and customer profiles result in a perfect fit, no matter how big or small.

PantherQCS is a game-changer for paper mills that strive to improve product quality, but can’t delay other needs within the mill. Upgrade your existing quality control systems (QCS), while resetting the end-of-life clock on legacy equipment. Improve paper machine control one step at a time if necessary. Improve quality and reduce your initial capital expense, all the while reducing maintenance and repair costs.

TOOLS OF THE TRADE for paper mills

Order entry, scheduling, production, roll tracking, shipping and invoicing with less paper-pushing and mistakes. And MillTools configures to your process, instead of the other way around. Our customers give MillTools the highest marks, saying, “We would never do our work without it.”

Support from real people 24/7

No, we’re not a conglomerate. We know our customers. They call, and we answer, anytime day and night. Panther’s Help Desk team works side-by-side with our engineers at offices in Vancouver, Washington, and our teams and field technicians go to the problem, whenever Panther Systems is needed onsite 24/7. Our customers’ emergencies becomes our own until they are solved.

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